Music lessons, guitar lessons, keyboard lessons, drum lessons in a fun atomosphere
At Elevate Rock School lessons are taken to a whole new level. We've found that students are more motivated and engaged during lessons when they share the experience with a peer. Two students in a core lesson open up a myriad of musical possibilities and teaching moments that just aren't otherwise possible. Students are matched by age, ability and chosen instrument.
Rock Band Session
During the rock band session students actually form a group with other members from Elevate and practice together as a real band would. They will learn the art of live performance and can even choose their band name. They take the songs they've been working on in the core lesson and now get to hear the parts come together on a real live stage. Full sound production is provided to complete the live performance experience. This is a structured lesson with a teacher.
At Elevate each teaching room and rock room is a fully functioning recording studio!
From time to time during core lessons we will make recordings that will be available to the students as mp3's. Listening is one of the best teaching/learning methods so we think this is awesome!
Seeing yourself perform is even better! So, from time to time during the rock band session we will shoot video of the kids jamming. These will be available on the Elevate Rock School channel on YouTube. Way cool!
In addition to all this, instruments are provided during lesson time and we'll be happy to assist you if you have any questions on purchasing an instrument for use at home.
Members of Elevate have exclusive access to the facility on Saturdays. Reserve a rock room to jam with their band or a teaching room to practice alone or with their buddy.
Keywords: music lessons fargo nd, drum lessons fargo nd, guitar lessons fargo nd, vocl lessons fargo nd, music school fargo nd.